Monday, June 10, 2019

Organizational Diagnosis. Skype Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

organisational Diagnosis. Skype - Essay ExampleMcKinneys 7S Model McKinseys 7S Model was developed by the business consulting companionship McKinsey and Company for serving business concerns with appropriate recommendations pertaining to the use of seven significant variables. The variables identical Style, Staff, Systems, Strategy, Structure, Skills and Shared Values totally beginning with the letter S impact the internal environment of a business concern and thus needs to be effectively managed and levered by the managers (Falletta, 2005, p.14-15). The congruousness ModelThe Congruence Model based on assumptions like organizations is held to be open and dynamic systems and behaviors and interactions therein are studied at three take aims like individual, group and system. Further the simulation divides the operating framework along three parts like inputs, throughputs and the outputs where resources like human, capital, technology and others are subjected to individual and org anizational potencies and tasks to yield the desired output (Falletta, 2005, p.10-11). The Burke-Litwin Model The Burke-Litwin Model focuses on the aspect of organizational changes both relating to the parameters of business process and components involved. The model renders larger emphasis on factors that would place to total transformation than other transactional factors. Significant changes identified by the model are such that tends to affect the organization in a paramount carriage altering business philosophy, mission, structure, core values and vision and thereby giving new directions to proceed on (Falletta, 2005, p.26). Fallettas Organizational Intelligence Model The Organizational Intelligence Model developed by Falletta focus on the identification of eleven essential factors that in turn contribute to the development of organizational exploit through the process of engaging the employees in an enhanced fashion. The factors identified are both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature and thereby reflect vary impacts on the concern (Falletta, 2005, p.38-41). Open Systems Theory According to the Open Systems Diagnosis Model the organizations are treated as open entities that tend to gain undeniable inputs from the external environment in a spontaneous fashion aiming to transform the same into effective outputs. The outputs generated further contribute in the contribution of renewed level of inputs for the concern that are again subjected to processes to generate outputs (Falletta, 2005, p.7 National Defense University, n.d.). Force Field Analysis Force Field Analysis Model developed by Kurt Lewin focuses on identification of factors and triggers that contribute to the rendering of changes in the existing organizational systems and also such that act as potential restraints to such change process. The model in that effectively contributes to the achievement of an equilibrium state through addition of triggers to the change process and reduction of restr aining factors (Falletta, 2005, p.4). Strengths and Weakness of the Different Models Model Strengths Weakness McKinneys 7S Model The model effectively reflects on seven internal variables related to a business concern that impact the efficiency and productivity of the concern. It reflects on the interrelation of the seven organizational variables identified. It reflects only on

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