Thursday, February 20, 2020

Odwalla Juice Case Study Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Odwalla Juice Analysis - Case Study Example Even though the company was faced with several financial constraints as its proceeds dropped by almost 90% (Harvard Business School, 1997, p. 1), one might have expected that the company would collapse altogether or that even if there exists enough backup budget to run the company, management would loose the zeal to continue operating with the same set of customers who might have developed negative attitude towards the company. However, management decided to rise above the challenge and give the company a new image. Clearly, this is a challenge that comes with several subsequent problems especially when it comes to the regaining of customer trust (Ducharme, 2002). Important players within the organization No organization works in a vacuum. Clearly, the success and victories of any company to becoming either a local, national or international entity depends on the efforts of a number of coordinated strings often referred to as stakeholders (Esposito, 2001). On the whole, there could b e two major groups of stakeholders identified for a typical producer based company like Odwalla and these are profit oriented stakeholders and non-profit oriented stakeholders. ... For instance at the break of the news of contamination of the apple juice, the community showed that it indeed had a stake in the company when immediately, the FDA was made to investigate the cause of the problem (Harvard Business School, 1997, p. 1). Customers also showed their stake when their refusal to continue patronizing products from the company led to as much as 90% fall in the profits of the company. Target groups of the organization In the present circumstance, one of the chief and key target groups that the organization can have as part of its stakeholders; of whom there would be periodic attention and concentration are suppliers. These are forever going to be an integral part of the company’s success especially as the company continues to depend on external sourcing for the supply of its raw materials. In fact until such a time comes when the company will be in a position to have a production farm to supply it with fresh apples as raw materials, suppliers should be considered as important target groups. It should even be noted suppliers have important roles to play in preventing such major calamities as the contamination of products. This is because if supplies of raw materials are identified to be contaminated or sub-standard in any way, this can greatly affect the eventual outcome of the company’s production. Finally, suppliers hold a lot of stake in deciding the profit that the company makes because if the company has a very good bargaining power with suppliers, it can be spending less on expenditure and thus gaining more as profit. The role of management and the role of production Going through the case study, it can be said that management has rightly identified its role in bringing the company

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

U.S economiy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

U.S economiy - Term Paper Example Discussion Price instabilities have also been a common feature in the housing sector of the country as caused by such factors as poor government policies and the periodic boom and bust cycles in the economy. The current prevailing housing model therefore suffers over stretching by the need to address the raising instabilities within prices of the house facilities. The model is characterized of adverse shortages, which has passed on the effect even to the social rented housing facilities besides having implications to the private sector of housing market. The private sector therefore suffers shortage and fails to meet the ever-increasing housing needs for the surging population. In fact, according to a report on WSJ by Timiraos, the market of houses has seen a rise in the last years and this is currently witnessed by very high prices today (Timiraos, para 1). Over years, the governments in the international scene have been subjects of discussion in their role in intervening in the hou sing market with critical analysis of the same revealing different arguments. The supporters of the initiatives of government in policy to intervene in the housing market cite accompanying benefits while the critics question the authority and benefits resultant from such interventions. Concerns raised in the past have cited government’s intervention to lead to undesirable outcomes in the end as compared to the little benefits that are accrued to specific target groups/persons. Governments intervene in the housing market through different mechanisms, which include offering subsidies to the developers, injecting credit facilities into the market to support potential homebuyers to access the required amounts as well as through designing and implementation of government policies to address the issue. Besides the introduction of ‘temporal home purchase’ credit facilities within the economy, the government equally uses policy tools for asymmetric tax treatment of renta l houses as well as to owner occupied housing. However, the application of these different policy instruments has accompanying advantages as well as disadvantages in the overall outcome to the economy. Intervention in the US has often focused on lowering or operating the house prices in order to target the majority residents who are potential homeowners but due to financial constraints, they are not in a position. Many questions therefore arise on the implications and strategic necessity to have the government intervene in the housing sector. Questions revolve around the implications of the intervention in that government intervention would alter the free market price balance while on the other hand; intervention would reduce the risk of price crash in the housing market. Recession has the potential to decline the consumer wealth as well as negative equity in the sector (Dougherty, Timiraos and Shah, para 1). Moreover, the intervention by the government has the capacity to reduce th e price volatility of houses which if not addressed has the potential to lead to a price crash within the economy. The critics reasons that house price fall have no empirical justification to cause recession within the economy. This therefore refutes the position by the arguments of the supporter of government intervention to reduce the risks of price recession. According to the critics, government intervention would not lead to control of price volatility, which is likely